Monday, September 26, 2005

Humphrey's Peak

Last Saturday morning after having awakened before the dawn and driven from my father's ranch to Flagstaff Arizona, I found myself running along the crest of what is rumoured to be Arizona's tallest mountain.

Bam! The running shoes I was wearing (not your ideal hiking shoes, as they have little side support or ankle support) landed on a rounded rock, and down I went. My hands caught me and I surveyed the damage... my ankle was hurt and I was sure it was badly twisted.

I pushed myself up... it was OK enough to go on... and on I went, determined to catch up to my father, who was now nearing the final climb called Humphrey's peak.

As I neared him the winds grew stronger. 60 miles and hour? 80 miles an hour? I couldn't stand up straight without being blown from the mountain. The wind was that powerful... and at over 12,000 feet the view was what you expect to see from an airplane...

I did my best to hold my position... to keep from being blown off the mountain. I fought the wind and made my way to the top.

Yesterday, on the Vision Revolution Radio show we talked about taking a stand instead of taking a position.

Climbing the mountain, fighting the wind and gravity, I was doing my best to hold myself upright. I was trying to defend or maintain my position. But... what would it be like to be the mountain... simply standing. Firmly planted on the ground, while reaching far into the heavens... an inspiration to all who look in my direction?

What if we as human beings knew how to take a stand in life? What if we could be an inspiring stand in this world of changing winds? What if we could unyieldingly stand tall and strong in this world where others try to pull us down.

These are the skills practiced and learned at the Wealth Warrior Boot Camp, high level training for visionaries.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

There's Vision In Them There Hills!


When I saw the smoke rising from
the distant mountains, my head was
still spinning.

I was driving north from Phoenix Arizona
to visit my dad in Northern Arizona.

For the last 3 days I'd been at an internet
marketing conference in Phoenix Arizona.

I went there to brush
up on the skills and techniques
it is going to take to use the internet
to fulfill on our vision of creating
a world of visionaries by 2020.


A world where children grow up respected
and honored as young visionaries, so
that there natural visionary talents
blossom, and we all live heroic lives
guided by our own vision.

This weekend I learned some key skills and
met some key visionaries who will help us
to reach this future.

Anyway, back to my drive and the smoke.

Apparently here in Arizona they do
"controlled burns," in order to prevent
unplanned and out-of-control forest

In other words they literally "fight
fire with fire."

Got me to thinking...

So many people in ous modern society still
think that we need to prevent individuals
from becoming visionaries.

As if visionaries are destructive forces
to fear like forest fires.

Visionaries can't be tamed.

Visionaries can't be controlled.

Visionaries are unpredictable.

So, they reason, we better keep people from
becoming self-guided visionaries.

We better keep those fires from starting.

We better train people to obey and follow.

We better condition people to think that
being a good person and responsible person
means fitting neatly and quietly into
"the system."

And they put out the fire in our children's
hearts and minds before it gets out of hand.

Our children then either become obedient products
of the system, willing and eager to follow whoever
the leader is.

Or they become self-destructive rebels who are
pissed off at all the world, and only concerned
about short-term needs and desires.

Or our children become resigned, lethargic, cynical
or depressed.

Bottom line? Our children are deprived of their
natural vision.

The vision that would give them life.

They are deprived of the vision what would have
given birth to their passion, their sense of
purpose and real inner peace and power.

Our children become BURNT OUT on life even
before it begins.

Then we give them drugs to ease their pain
or their depression.

Or they find drugs on their own.

Then our children have children and it
starts again.


What if instead of putting out the fire
in our children's hearts, we fanned the

What if we knew how to feed the natural
visionary within our children?

What if we could re-ignite the vision within


But we fear that kind of world... a world
where individuals freely follow their own
hearts, their own vision.

And perhaps we should.

A world of free thinking, free acting
visinaries is unpredictable.

But would such visionaries be a force of
destruction, or a force of creation?

You know, fire is part of mother nature's
cycle of self-renewal.

A fire cleans the forest and allows for
a new beginning a new birth.

And, no doubt, a world of visionaries
following their visoin would cause great
change and upheaval...

But only to give birth to a new world,
a better future for our children...


The fire of vision!

Let's start it within ourselves and
within our children.

If that fire is gone, let's reignite
it in our hearts, and in the hearts
of those around us.

I leave it to you, Michael,
to spread the vision of a world
where each of us are visionaries, real
everyday heroes guided by our own vision.

Turn your friend onto the Vision Revolution

Or to the Vision Force Academy here:

Those of you who have joined us in
the Vision Force 101 program, welcome!
Let's get this fire started!

If you've not yet taken Vision Force 101,
the details are here:

Note: there are only 24 hours left before
final registration ends.

Onwards and upwards!

Your ally in vision,

Michael Skye
Vision Force Academy

P.S. When you see smoke, think of the
fire being created within the hearts and
minds of the rising visionaries! We shall
give birth to a world where children are
raised with the kind of vision that naturally
calls them to greatness.