Saturday, February 26, 2005

On Being A Warrior...

Some thoughts on being a warrior...

Rebel-->One who fights against
Warrior-->One who fights for

Rebels react to and fight against opposition. Warriors are focussed on the opposition and are not reacting to it. Warriors take a stand and fight for the principles, values and vision that call to them. This leads to another aspect of warriorship.

Soldier-->fights outside opposition with an aim to destroy itWarrior-->fights inner opposition with an aim to unify oneself or obtain mastery

Consider that there is already inner conflict happening within you. You can react to it or go with it, or you can take a stand in the face of it. You can fight the good fight. You can be a warrior.

The term warrior also brings with it the connotation of martial artist, or one focussed on self-mastery, the inner game.

Carlos Castenada wrote about warriorship. A warrior has such an internal focus on self-mastery, that he can manifest what he wants in reality.

Karl Malone, the basketball star who just retired, was though of as a warrior... people were not referring to any kind of violence (although, he did punish Isiah Thomas pretty bad), but instead were referring to his relentless work ethic, and how he demanded the most of himself every single day, never succumbing to pain or fear or pressure. He fought on through it all. He was a warrior.


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