Friday, July 09, 2004

Responsible Citizens Don't Vote!

Say what?

Responsible citizens actively take full responsiblity for creating their lives, their communities and the world around them.

Voting can be a responsible action, but for far too many of us, voting is a way to escape responsibility. Too often we feel that because we vote and pay our taxes, we have done our part. What have we really done?

By voting, have we created any real value? Or have we simply gotten ourselves off the hook from our responsibility to create real value for ourselves?

We engage in lively debates with friends, we donate money to political campaigns and maybe we even take action to influence the vote. Meanwhile, we could have been taking action to create real value in our lives and communities.

Rather than getting all whirled up in a political frenzy, watching the latest political news as if it were a sporting event, we could have been "on the field," playing--creating, making a difference!

Rather than lobbying for a new tax law that gives us a personal advantage of one sort or another, we could have been building businesses or organizations which create wealth, jobs and opportunities.

Rather than complaining about the president's health care policies, we could have been at the gym working out and building our health.

Rather than listening to the debates, we could have been creating inspiring art, teaching values to our youth or educating others in a way that empowers them to be creators.

Is there anything wrong with voting?

Voting can be a responsible action, but for most of us, the whole political process and all the time we spend engaged in it, tends to take the focus off ourselves as creators. Instead, we are focused on what some government official is going to do for us.

By voting, we are reinforcing a system that destroys more values than it creates, a system based on compromise, rather than creation (more on this in a future blog).

We have reinforced a system designed to promote IRRESPONSIBILITY. That's right, the system we live in promotes irresponsibility. How?

Our system encourages us to look to government, to others outside of ourselves, for the answers to our problems. And what it means to be responsible in our present system is to follow the system. In other words, it is "responsible" to follow and obey the answers of people outside of ourselves, because they are the system controllers--they were elected by a majority of voters.

Responsibility, in my eyes, means I am the creator of my life, I am the solver of my problems--not some person or group of people outside of myself. The more we believe that "responsible" means obedience to the whim of the majority, the more irresponsible we become.

From an early age, most of us in today's world were taught obedience as a higher value than integrity. Obedience is following someone else and his/her values. Integrity is following one's own mind, conscience and values.

Should you vote? Sure, vote. But as you find yourself getting wrapped up in all the election drama and the whole game of who's right and who's wrong, and who will lead us best...

Remember this...

Like Neo in The Matrix, YOU are THE One. You are the Creator of your life.

Real change will come, not from the government, but from individuals who assume full responsibility for creating their lives, their future, their world. Vote for yourself as a Creator.

Responsible citizens, create first. Voting and participating in the election game in a system that promotes irresponsibility is something that truly responsible citizens often make little time for.

What is Responsible Voting?

I would suggest that rather than voting for Me (what can this politician do for me?), vote for I (what freedom to create for myself and the world will this politician return to me and to other individuals?).

We are approaching the dawn of a new age... the Age of Creation, where human beings recognize their natural power to create for themselves, where we as individuals take complete responsibility for our lives.

Care to begin to "feel" the future I speak of? Here are 2 poems I wrote, Dawn of My Day and Dawn of Our Day.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Responsible Citizens Don't Vote!

Here, Here!

Johnny Cheese
The universal write-in candidate for every secret-ballot election taking place on the planet. "If I 'win', I will not be showing up for duty'".

12:13 PM  

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