Sunday, March 20, 2005

Wealth Warriors Unite!

Everyone has been talking about making money on-line...

Is it a pipe dream? Is the internet "Gold Rush" over?

It has just begun.

Really. Many people have no clue how EASY it is to make money on-line--lots of money.

I must say, I had no idea how easy it could be until just 12 months ago.

In March 2004 I attended my first internet marketing conference.

It was Armand Morin's Big Seminar.

Sure there were a lot of really cool strategies for making money on-line, but the best thing about the event wasn't the speakers or what they had to say.

The most valuable part of the event were the other people in the audience.

I met people from all over the world who were making money in all kinds of ways on-line.

There were teenagers making millions with one little web site.

There were work-at-home single moms working part-time and providing well for their children.

These were every day people doing simple things to become rich.

Entrepreneurship, dreams and vision was in the air.

I can only imagine what it must have been like in America's early days... famous for being the "land of opportunity," where anyone could achieve their dreams.

Some people think the internet is old news--that the real financial opportunities died with the dot com bust a few years ago.

Not so.

Some people are led to believe making money on-line will take no effort and when they find out it takes work, they give up.

What I am about to say could change your life.

If you are simply willing to work, you can make a TON of money on-line following SIMPLE strategies.

It doesn't take genius, it doesn't require a college degree, it doesn't matter how much money you have.

It doesn't even matter if you don't know squat about the internet.

The internet gold rush has JUST begun!

You can stake your claim to your share of internet gold.

Just go to Armand's Big Seminar.

It's like stepping into an old west gold mining town, where people are discovering gold right and left.

Only the new frontier is the Internet.

You really have to see it to believe it.

Next month internet gold miners are convening in Atlanta.

Million-dollar deals will be made over lunch. Businesses will be created on napkins. Empires will begin with a handshake.

I'll be there.

What if you joined me?

What if this was your one chance? Your one big opportunity?

I may regret doing this, but here goes...

I've decided to give away $2,000 of Wealth Warrior programs and tools to 7 lucky Wealth Warriors.

But you MUST be willing to join me in Atlanta.

Want to open the treasure chest with your name on it?

Go here:

I hope to see you in Atlanta!

Michael Skye

P.S. It's in only a few short weeks, so HURRY! It is worth mortgaging the farm to get there! You'll see!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm researching for debt into wealth and this on I is useful so thanks Michael Ivan Skye. Anny

12:21 AM  

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